A Side Poem: Young Tea + Old Coffee /// B Side Tanka: Former~sorta Corporate HR Conglomeracy CPA Officer shiz \\\ C-Side Clergy Acrostic Poem: YuP.

Young Tea + Old Coffee

There’s something subversive of cats + dogs and the quixotic
Nature of the accord of ecology.
How the olders come to support and are gifted new names on the chance
The immortal-serve-septitude that life works with karmic balance
And the 8’s move like pies, stars, and cries.
Ribbons make the bounty a,d therefore international accord
Is pretty small compared to large continents
And even those continents seem febrile
In some sense that tectonic plates have always been broken.

I think the gold calligraphy paint looks much better in the cracks of the broken pots
I dismayed into field after field after field.
Never ask to do the dishes too much.
Or Sundays will be the kiln for you.

Former~sorta Corporate HR Conglomeracy CPA Officer shiz

[The Clergy Member’s


viewpoint of

Co-ed Work Departments

(fulltime-alt-shift style)]]






of Affirmations +

Service Servitude

on Accordiation


the Vat.os.omething.]

***{Translated from Hebrew into American:English’Vex9. } {It basically means Yuppie Shit in American-English with a few verbaldealerbsals condensed and taken out} {The Ancients cussed too ya know, p.s. I just try not to in front of kids and then they like it when I fuck up. Fucking rich-chocolate pound cake cupcakes smashed frosting in the clearance rack waiting for some cheapskate of some-sort.} Hallah brother !!!😎🫥☺(🥶🦠)

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