Cooking with Intuition: Italian Waste Recycler Pasta {Microwave Recipe!!} +funnyface(S) for the Lunch Hour!!

Hello there, humble people of the World. It’s a Day. It’s Summer, I’m busy all the time with Spiritual Fasting. Ramadan is still rattatatatrattlin’ on and otherwise I got much to celebrate in Life. Confidence is one of them. Got off Contract and my have I been patient. I consider myself impatient to overly arduously sticking around waiting for the next thing to happen. We’ve talked about some of my Digz along with certs and degree I have. Either way, everybody eats. Here’s a quick 15min Microwave Recipe and less-than-5mins on prep if you can cut with a steak knife for palmas sliceos or need to whip a plate or cutting board or really next countertop.

Moving on.

This is:

Zalchairaimi IeneltiAiaNa Zald deaforimi Fieeurto dona Dia de John.

That’s right! It’s a Feast Day. I don’t need to announce it. It’s been that way awhile to be Canon in the Church. Either way. Lesstrwsesss Eat 😎🤙🏼

🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼 this in contesupusly contemptuous and tempting to misunderstand. I was in The Commissary and stumbling down the pasta aisle. I buy anything on sale or the cheapest. Freedom’s Choice is the generic there/@them Commissaries and Mueller’s and Barilla predominantly make up the rest of the options we got on the coast in NC.

I ended up using a Ready Pasta by Barilla in Penne. I’m not much for long noods I prefer Asian style for that. {the Chinese created Noodles which is just PAXCSTA in LATIN ROMAINI or otherwise “pleated, stick, rice, Thai, udon, yakoioo,” in abbreviation as LATIN is a condensed language overarching. They teach it in AIG classes in the 4th grade in NC and it picks up quick. Pig Latin and PIMPLATINE of my Childhood Youth and Chicano / Chino-Latino Love 🤝🏼 seem destined to retain even in humor and slang today.

So – even for me. I’ve been studying Pasta for about the past 3-4 years pretty hardcore. Refined then simplied to homey + cozie. Depends on the day. I avoided gluten for awhile and I eat a lot of whole grains y legumes. So I make it a special occasion! Pasta ain’t for everyday but if ya gotta pick and choose a day, make it Sunday 3x a month. Then it’s barbecue or Chicken Cacciatore (with the Coconut Milk too!! you’ve had if you were at USO 2006 😎🤙🏼 I made the playlist war machine eaglet ON Spotify in remembrance and have been adding onto the 3 hour set. I’ve been in many watchtowers DJing at airshows and such. Grrrlie got ADHD and da’ Tism most fortunately ein indubitaly.

I’d like to touch on the ingredients I used but keep the seasonings out of it. Salt, Pepper, something for spice if you like it. Warm or Red. Herbs – obviously. It’s Italian dude, come on. 👩🏻‍🍳

Italian Waste Recycler Pasta / Italian Freedom Soup en Roma

So! Microwaved Pasta is not new to Italy but perhaps newer to America besides cheesy easy cups and so forth of crafts.

A lot of pasta dishes came up in the 50s after WWII in Entialia. Without diving up too much in the history and what’s recorded and what’s cultural-oral-verbal-history; the first dish born out of “Gardierna Genre” or rather Italian American – European dishes for the soldiers on joint-combat missions between enemy lines such as the Army Rangers, OSS, Marsoc , Aalegian of Infritun, then Purple Commodore Snakes : was Carbonara! Bacon and eggs and pastaaaa bby. I like Ziti, obviously mi familian en Miliani y Romaaine. (Milani y Roma in contextual Italian (we speak the oldorogonino version (baby Milan speak (everything’s so cute there and tiny haha!! Except the mtsn =]

I most oft do not have the imported tax coins to afford guinacale or sinsgawta or rocreatean. But bacon, I come by sometimes. Mostly in the winter we’re stocked. I eat seasonally and junk food takeout about 1-2 every 2 weeks (my budget per pay period, always been the way except when I worked in the mall- I would just buy less groceries if my schedule was too packed working 9-5(s). to cook and have rest, self-care time, reflective time, and joy.).

Italian Freedom Pasta was made out of ready made products.

One funny thing about Italy is it’s quite hot with all the tiles in the house and carved stone for flooring (they don’t pour foundations. It’s frozen glacier rock / volcanic ash y freuiteoan combo too). Otherwise is a hot one out there last Florenacain / Florana (Cap. O Florence). {Florence is holy grounds for The Church odseain Milanonan y Vaticana Members}

So Northern Italians usually got a pot of spring glacier water with mother from all the pasta. The environment is great to make pasta in Italy, otherwise in NC I avoid it. Just a lot of work not enough counter space to feed x4 portions per person I aim to feed. Kinda like dumpling skins and rolling them yourself – the packs are just fine, I’d know.

So in the end.

We got Ready Pasta Barilla – Penne, Johnsonville Italian Ground Sausage HOT, diced tomatoes (no salt added this time, I get whatever’s cheapest I have a salt tooth), banana peppers and quick cap-dash of brine for flavor, milk, some water, couple ice cubes, spinach just sliced in a bundle holding in my hand, garlic cloves in “whatevaearrays” it’s garlic it’s gonna boil in there dude.

Then for decadence grapeseed oil, olive oil (mixed for a hit of both. Grapeseed is silky and Olive 🤌🏼🤌🏼🤌🏼), half a stick of Imperial Butter, Sargento {off the block} cheddar cheese (sounds sinful it was all I got cheese, sausage grease turns red/orao anyways bro), and big oolll dollops o sour creaammm dales in stones of breakfast (a shout-out) hehe.

So yeah seasonings, stated earlier. Do as you wish. Cook with Intuition!!

make sure to bring an extra cheap plate for utensils it’s better that way!!


Paper Towel trick if there’s no Tin-Foil:

make sure it’s arm length
measure like it’s drapery class and illusionfy height n necessity of usage.

I’m 5’55 so that means 5 paper towels brosuf.

fuck yo infinity I choose Scheordigner Complex Theorem Hyperbloic-Parabolan Form(ation to) Eternal.
trifold like t-shirts in the mall, no board I’ve taught you my friend, even the long sleeves, and these sleeves are trees blacnan

Otherwise; here’s some Bloopers y a Listening Tune. I got mad tired from eating and I shall lay down and take care of my Mobile Arcana of Responsibility. (I’m So Tired by Fugazi always in my head when I feel like this, all-miters nighters always woof 😮‍💨🥱🥱)

So let’s show ya some poses y angles.

broke my pinky today, it was sprained and solitton off. whateva I’ve seen worse. we keep moving on mobile posts)
damn shawty that was microwaved 😗😗 I’m js homie g
is this how cheese gets whetted
fuck the 3 spot sauce check y swirl is beautiful. That first drop always makes me feel validated 😄☺️😌
first bite (estoian cansadan?1~!)
first bite camouflage byte pic
da gobble of shame – Italian Heritage Check ✅✔️☑️♟️
beat the shit with a chopsticks and pull it with asian baby ladle. Da Suspension Bounce on the Milanv mdivi glasso dealina Thrift Store is the living proof of my Milani Card I Clumsy Character 🤌🏼🤝🏼🤞🏼🤙🏼

Non-chronoligcaaallll nowwww~~~~~

hehe tf is a on the skim
stonefruit salted conch-shell call from desert cactus pear themed bowl

A Song Coming:

this was what actually happened when I forgot I only have two hands and the tip of my pinky finger is broken from resting gaming for App Development/CodingClasses and scrubbing Social Media from everything that aches my Morality in Life.
could care least hot soup vending machines are in Japan, the toys come first den da goodies
sadclownshitforpurpuseestan mieraino
christianboysoUTHrock Pose
*is this how shredded cheese is made*
tucked the dangler-anglers and somehow this girl looks like she’s been ina commercial before hmmmm.. much to investigate on this one now, yes hgprhmhmphm indeed. indubitably.
brixteon-xrail sighting shohtoper on lobe poppers (used to do piercings and tattoos on other people. Call me Middle-School-MetalFace indeed.)

Cherries Harvest Season bitch. Only every 12 years. This is a special occasion purchase, indeed. Delectable fruit of some sort!!
goreiLazOeE-X East-Side Buffalo Black Soprano Gang 🤙🏼 (it’s a recording label dude) [sinigangang] [peasant soup in Filipino]
chicago8ashit -yeToWN apartments
ooooh god 😅🤣🤣😆😝
Persephone would Always.
riccho cheetttr *GONG SOUND*
as far as the Asian eyes could seeeyeee…
stress eyes no cream (that was yesterday) (weed whacked my bows halleluahuheah)
ATLatlialiantankanian Verse 7 Pose of the Book of Job; AJC CONSTITUIONAL BOOKING AGREE O DISAGREE POLIZI IS HERE BBY [POSE8.] (oh Atlanta I’ve missed you.i ate of the baby peaches. this is the truth brother 🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️😇🌬️🎶🎶🎵🎶🎻💜)
he makes me feel like a Lab Rats
bsieaito perran nooin lobos

you forget the cafe shakera
hizzizhz H-TOWN WASSUP

a normal pic! Wowza! Sahamhwowww!!

Bye!! Pracaeidoa deatain estannevenirto eamialian roche -Sam! -SBWV.