Mother Tongue-lish.

Stickers are made 12
Years in advanced.
To project
That Time Moves in

There is no resolution nor hiccup
It simply means –
You Must Give People Time To Grow.
] It’s most supportive that way. Acceptance is the True Virture. In yourself, everywhere else, and All-of-OTherwise. / Alachadsht eaetntietnti ti . -OmimiamSamiAm….~~~
=+ps. I feel much better now after I got it over with. Healing is Ugly and Sickness can be Beautiful / Somwhere in the Process / Zaifamo. -Sam! -SBWV. -Chess.Not-Checkers!.?/… . ]]]]. [=jSam!AGAIN!./>/…/mom-[>]. {YeMeanTrash=PurgeyoFoos] [CSGo.123: Module FM Strikes: Gamer Tag ;;; 2003. -4007. -] CyperbpunkVFXXDOVUMENT 92101 [2001.Recro] Gamer Tag : 2—-Onwards. Then uh petrichorgrid, petarch, petarc, y petgrid are the main ones I use now.
Don’t disappoint me with 4th grade Chess Competition Tactics from some manual an asshole I love made (the same reason we didn’t play chess together for an assumed compromising 13 years of the last belt we’ve broken in the past 2 months from time-to-time.) {I will resign and take the loss if you’re an asshole just trying to win the move in 2 or 3 moves. GrandMasters make at least 27 moves and make you in Check 79 times in 3-moves-orLess. Without ever winning a peg, pawn, or piece. Even losing into Negative Points. Yet they win points-over~precision: which is also called The Queen’s Gambit. I invented. I tried watching the show whatever. I’m just glad people started buying Chess Boards and reading Sun Tzu and 1984 all over again. I was in my Clinic at the time that I ended up selling but overproceed HR/accounting./doxtrade.
How sad it is that I can’t get a referral to a specialist bc I own the specialist branch and am chief of Med. oncampus-without-site due to my credentials and medicine. The sad thing about Medicine – if you learned all the ways? What are you going to the Doctor for? A flout bout, cure up and re-boost. MDs don’t walk away with shady-knees they keep going and adapting. One green juice a day ain’t gonna cut it. It’s commitment, sacrifice, it’s joy, it’s Uglies, but ultimately, It’s Healing. I’ve been Everywhere, Kid – there’s something beautiful about but ye gotta get local in your roots once you’ve placed them down.
15 years later in NC and the coastal plain, 30 mins from the beach and a 4 min quick-walk to river and an aquifer I can dip my toes into and have to watch out for hermit crabs in my backyard that leads straight to the O Beach and to the Atlantic. What else to do but appreciate – I ain’t really gotta show my Cards anywhere, but if I use em- you knew me too similarity in these past days and just like New-Today. Crehasmcaviaoajal Baebileots.

I shall lead you out with a Remix Remaster I am most proud of making 3 days into life on July 30, 2000. Slipping out of Comas in Concrete Hallways of the Hospital is the New Cave.

It’s Lazarus Syndrom e- It’s Lighstream in Mother-Tongue; at least , my vocabular ;))) =]

-Sam. -SBWV. -Chess.Not-Checkers. -OmamimamaimiamiSammmmyiam.

1 Crush – Nelle Hooper Mix by Garbage, Nellee Hooper

Inspo Names that led to :::
The Haunting of Hill House inspired by the Works of Shirley Jackson. [local somehow, am-i-rite??]
White Boys Can Jump (resolute, y sequel)00 .
Dckworth. (other dudes (hsubanadahdodadno y BestFRiendFORever#111.46ofTHEONETRUEsam.) owns the one featured on Spotify, I got the Master.

How sneaky of my Friends to go my concert when I was split pea soup behind a booth djyingo into a mic backstage. I love my beautiful homie g’s that hold it down. Ain’t got me town baby on no rainy days or sunshine without crackers steamrollin like bald chicks in hawaii and on tv shows and like i just change my hair and no one notices me. {crazycolorhairdyeingsquad} {im coming up with combos – we aim for Spooky Season in Resolution of new digz and new fo-llicss.}} {otherwise, why do you not let me cut your hair, I do it for free and have the shears my guy, they’re professional. Curly hair q grinablancofoo – why. I was split pea soup I just forget and was glitcching in matrix dot static elat fucking raphs as to how a g remembers this night before like it was 7 years ago (like I’m sleepwalking, at the least.).

Another eneroond. (Sketch Micheal Myers Shirt thank you, and thank you all for explaining the timeilines and explaining why the fucking carpenters and river bois y reservoir hunters y gem diggers y crafters o lore have explained my own writing to a point I don’t understand wha’t sh appended anymore when I decided to fucking Alternate Univeres if Cinematic Universes y Portal Dimensions Y Blackwave Voice Acting Y OperaTalentfuckyoupayme y – I’m a nice person at the end of the day. If you hate me – at least understand your kids love my shit bc of the style and apps and online game and comics and graphic design and tunez and stickers and memes and news and perhaps you should give it chance bc I’m 23 dudz/ All these were new digz past 2000 and I got the servigovobranchedtrreofservidtudeforlifeymyownwellbeing+sometimesgoodnature but I’m broke as a dawgg and put it away for OGOGO GOOGLGIGNG Goggling}} y OD ethics.

Last to get paid bitch, get your shit together. I don’t have money to go out.
Bout to shake these dicee on the digital board mi friyinrieiends (bffs$!3cerzzz3
Rup, that goes the tune of another gong.

Blehamdhsam – slhdamalaham. Sun go up – I do dooowun. [04:25} {aycha / you get the point. The Story ends right here, right now, for rn. /// TBC…}}}]]]. -Z. -a1. -D.
Y wirot or y rediotr y owner y copa y copayadalde y accoutant y your fucking job before y fuck you pay me ransackers how many debts y bailouts y pardonspardners do you need.
Fuckyroundyfindout millian is cojing for you assrasde shaeedydahdadhsade* (the gloves been off bih I wanna whipped cream lik yearning churned so the buttery spuds will boh. E. oh. So delicious. No sacrilious. Defamation is no key. You sue the gov, you gonna come see me and we don’t even talk for you to know UC is Ugly, It’s undercover bitch; track yo shit like a demo-graphic and I’ll design a play bc I understand my employees, I didn’t say you understand you or – meh. That’s all you leave me with. NBeA. -Sam. [that’s the dare to the truth.] [04L29kughstreamstonehenge,greenwich.time.ALTTABSHIFT RCHIMES! The Holy Moon Returns}]] Blashamashshahmhhh, I apologize if I’m unkind. Toxins y Toxicites breath through the mind before being dispelled from the body. Check Your Mental Health before you check a friend, it would be unwise to lead them down the path of circumvention without wisdom, gratitude, virtue, y solidarity. Otherwise; be creative like Allah. [Blessings, I can write tahat bc I ;n certified to to]]

Milian is forever and always proud. Macchu Picchu came after kids.
Archeoligst don’t Dig; They Discover =]

+===+=+ + + === [04;32z0
Solo-Track it Out: Bbbyyy / Walk it Out walk it out walk it ouuuutttt like independent baby:
{Super Crew y jabowckis lest not talk about the teriyaki sarkuru for lunch homie gs of the brook bbys]] [gawdamn what a time to be alive. I still remember the Bad Romance linen tapestry blindfoolds (I couldn’t see shit.)) They Lied.

You Wish by Nightmares on Wax (2001.) (c0.090_.). 9dist. 2006 @ Interscopre Rcrds. Studios Div Columbia Recors; Jfdadst: France. Canada. Montreal. Vancouver. Delaware,Myarlindard, DC. y NUEVA YORRRKK DAN CAROLLINA EL OF ALL NORTEEEE.

I’ve never been to the beach in Puerto Rico. susgraterimmediatelydimesnionportaldieforLIFEteslaracksdone Sam is Alive. Yaayyy coffee y digestive acts. Bye!

Lebanese Blonde by Thievery Corporation (2006.009c0.) (dist. 2000 oldlyrics). [madeinBeirut.] Accordingly Distrubeted Amongst Family. Otherwise, fuck off. Get your own account. -Admin. (I can’t even use my Dad’s anymore bruh, what a crisis. I ain’t had the Netflix login for 9 years and refuse to change my Roku out bc I’ll lose it and I ain’t paying for that shit when my Hulu y Max algorithm always by my-own-type-o-originiality.

BOOOOHHHOOOO TWILIGHT ZONE ONLY ON PARAMOUNT BOOOOOO GIVE ME A DRAG YOU RATATATATGAT. Cats. That’s is all. Scawhwadaprrsss. Haha fucking Icarus of Teradatctyls. I lvoe ecology. [04:38)]]]. -Sam. -SBWV. That’s all Folk.