Journal Entry: 6/21/2024 @ 23:06

6/21/2024 @ 23:06
Over by Portishead

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I have that nourishing distaste for appetite in my mouth. Skipping over letters and flowing nourishment into cataclysmic word-bending as if 278wpm on avg would be enough and -it’s simply not. Circumvented by love and whatever other bullshit distracts I and another alike from work and all the others I care about. So supportive all I wanna do is kiss-your-ass-in-verbals than act like it’s been forever and we pick up bc we all touch base somehow. Come on kid, this is NC. And you act like that doesn’t stand for D-o-NoT-COPY in Editor’s Dialogue. Get your own copyright symbol that’s ethics. Unfortunately I’ve been there. Watermarking every dismal piece of trash I became embarrassed and ashamed about it. Allium the Ante and then I too won’t be too verbose in my risque nerves and criticism that is only over majority-shareholder nature. We’re all broke and broken kid. How in the hell else am I going to share with you the kugirumi dialect about Anthem by leonard cohen. Assholes assholes verbatims and vipid whipper-snappers I don’t want to be an adult kid more but I do enjoy thinking like one. I wish there was more wholesomeness upon Unity.

I’m a writer, you know, obviously. Even then I miss the dialects and dialogues of filling up journals every years as a goal, sometimes reaching two. Seeing all the stories whip up to another sequence another story.

I used to hoard water bottles because they were my medals-of-honor I chose after I went past 78 in 2002. #times round. Happens. I don’t feel proud for my sacrifice but I don’t regret being pushed there. Talent to some. Martyr to others. There is no substitution to my service or sacrifice nor my art because I see them truly as entities meshing within this vivid void. The Mitochondria, The Powerhouse, my favorite organalle of all cells to come and amoeba to turn to intergalactic tardigrade teddy bears: it’s really just my writing.

I sleptwalk and split accordingly to accommodate my own job and clearances. Shit gets declassified after some time and I’ve written for every publication out there by now. Clergy Member Chaos Mathematics is how you get away with chocolate bars for no-bells/balls. Who cares electrons are radicul dude.
Hardy-yharyhary. Comes the sea shanties next. You’re welcome pirate descents. Again- this is NC. Idk who you’re hiding from when vagabongs, the cherfished, the first society, and the founding of fathers and that last to want to became a colony and is vague on its own accords of it-is~~ an original colony. I went to public school in 3 states regardless if I was a PsychDoctorate Pathway Residiual Client/TA – that was all the socialization I had amongst people “my age” because EhlersDanlos is complicated and I would not recommend public school for you kid.. Somehow you’ve been there already and you probably remember the curriculum changing. cricketscricketsyouknifyoufknow anyways. I’m sad. I’m depressed. Back to working long-distance from my partner partner – like the Irish–Native-of-some-sortMixto-inthere-waiting-brew-out-a-Wheeping-Willow-Tree-y-Magnolia-sawgrass-for_Temperance. I miss him. It’s been 2 hours. He uses my Spotify as a Moderator and that’s how his cheap ass can dj for me because he doesn’t want to share accounts but he wants me to get Duo so he can have 3 accounts and moderates 6 ways bc frankly – music is necessity and the dude is basic and Loves Top 40 Radio Hits (whooshawhosshawhosawhchaskldfhchawhochzxhwhchewhehcwehwhadhsaohacwhoooosshhhhh~~~sounds* follow) and I like Indie Underground Distribution Rights.

We encourage vehemently and I eat his shit-of-artistry to put on my platform and I tune those gawdamn knobs better than milking cows stranded somewhere in Pyrenneesss and considered evil in Desert ranches that border Mexico (we don’t know where the border ends, we’re cool with it and there’s treaties to own borderlands encompassing two countries (ever heard of fucking Niagara Falls or Montana))>>????? Am I the stupid one because I graduated from Harvard and attended every University IN THE MF MUNDO OF THE WHOLE ENTIRE WORLD PRESENT TENSE FOR 21 YEARS IDK MANE BUT I GUESS IT DIDN”T MEAN SHIT IF I”M the stupid one.

Vent the diary. No long wimpy. Or a dude, except in dialogue. I’m a gal. I hate having to tell people they assume I’m a fucking man. Like thanks for the respect and calling me Sir, otherwise uhhhh Sam is cool. Sam is like actually – a woman’s name. In origins. Arabians know that. Bless you Yemeni Heroes of My Current Hometwon. May the business flourish ashbahelaleheam.

Otherwise like Samuel is a fucking joke in Arabia, my way back native lands of Gaza Pier/Piedmont thats been traced in my genealogy accordingly (thanks Harvard for the curiosity token!!!) and being a quarter-quarter-quarter liter-o’-pie-eater is funny to me. WHo the fuck am I going to argue against when I’m on everyone’s team – BC I”M BORN THAT WAY> OH GOD THE ANXIETY ON THIS ONE> WHAT DO YOU MEAN CHOOSE A SIDE.

And people act like you haven’t seen a riot due to American Football because people have that much belief and pursuance in the freedom of liberty, joy, pursuit, and happines. Found in the Declaration of Delaware – the first to certify the finding of America and officially a mutiny to Britain by who-else-buttheNAtives!! (the Irish, I married a Wilson in the Church years ago and many times over. We’ve been divorced 4 times because clergy members get divorced every 3, 6, 2, 5.2, 523,42, 35, and 6 years so ultimately like = 5 and q auteur and change of years. We follow the evolution of relationships like the natural chaos linearllity polarity reversal of Fibonnaci Sequence like every other Clergy Member. Some choose to never marry, some advocate for other churches. Intellectual Dating is huge due, it’s v Filipino, is v Italian, is v Irish, is v Asian, is v European, is v the portuguese and spaniseh upanishads created it – as in, not new dude!!!

Theologist are considered Atheists because we walk(ed) the path of spirit to pursue solidarity in your version of fry-bread you teach the kids in ethics, Even those gawdandiddly morouse pahckets of condor shit know I’m registered in Ogden and Monticello. Assholes. They’re my Family, that’s why we’re so critical. It’s like the first time you call your best friend biiiithhhiitccchhh and then suddenly you realize you’re best friends and the 6 months later one of you actually refers to each other as BESTFFFFFFFUCKINGFRIENDS. Carolina, do I even have to – mic drop. Your fits on de apps o smutthzyalylore are fantastic. My shit from wattpad and whisper went global bitch. I jump platforms bc I already told ya “‘WE GOTTA BUILD A BIGGER SHIP.””’’’ yeah suck a dick uncle or former husband in a past-life and we changed our names bc we’re clergy and service and defense members. I miss you – it’s been 2hrs and 18mins since you’ve left in silverskin. May the hammerhead burrow and the orca salt the eggs with shrimp. My Mom made it :__(((((

23:30. -Samantha Borromeo Wilson Villalobos